Our Programs

M1 or Nursery

3 year onwards

In our Nursery (M1) environment we nurture Refinement of Movement through Gross Motor Skills, Eye Hand Coordination, Prehensile Strength, building extensive vocabulary, preparation for writing and extensive phonics so that they get the pronunciation right.

Activities include

9:15 AM - 12:15 PM

M2 or Lower K.G

4 year onwards

In our Lower Kindergarten (LKG) or M2 children are capable of performing advanced Practical Life activities. Their movement is much more refined and coordinated. We introduce the concept of Arithmetic Progression and Numerals. Children learn the traditional names of numbers and perform basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They begin to write and read 3 to 4 letter words through various language activities.

Activities include

9:15 AM - 01:15 PM

M3 or Upper KG​

5 year onwards

In our Upper Kindergarten (UKG) environment the children move towards Abstraction, leaving behind concrete material. Children perform and master dynamic basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They are also introduced to fractions.

Activities include

9:15 AM - 02:00 PM

After School Program

Indian Abacus